GLOW by Tatum

About GLOW By Tatum

Prior to the start of my journey with Exosomes, I was truly sick and was not able to enjoy my life. I lived a low quality of life where I was unable to use my body to accomplish everyday tasks.
This stage of my life was extremely difficult because I was always athletic and no longer able to freely move. I played soccer in college and snowboarded for Salomon in my 20’s.

Allow me to tell you my
Exosome journey. . .

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis due to extremely high levels of Mercury in my body. My functional medicine doctor had never seen a case like mine. My levels were so high that they were not able to be read on a chart. Multiple factors in my life led to these high levels. Throughout my childhood, I was raised on a horse farm where peaches were grown with toxic fertilisers and pesticides that contaminated the food and well water. Along with this, my parents followed mandated vaccine schedules that infused mercury into my body, I was a pescatarian for 20 years, had four mercury fillings, and toxic heavy metals were scattered on South Beach from aerial assaults during the Zika scare in Miami to kill mosquitoes. Although these were not the only contributing factors, they are a few of the main sources.
Over the course of my sickness, my back muscles would seize for two weeks at a time. My body would lock sideways and I had to wait hours for it to unlock. I followed a strict non-inflammatory diet: no grain, gluten, dairy, fruit, sugar, and alcohol. I lived by this diet for three and a half years while doing a protocol of weekly vitamin IV’s with a glutathione push to support my immune system. It was essential for me to use my infrared sauna 3 to 4 times weekly and monthly ozone treatments to clean my blood of toxic heavy metals. Following this protocol allowed me to prevent flair ups, but significantly reduced my quality of life. It wasn’t until I started Exosome therapy that my freedom of life was given back to me.

My friend recommended that I travel out of the country to experience an intravenous Exosome Therapy treatment. My first experience was a push straight into my vein. I immediately felt the Exosomes go straight to my brain, creating a warm, tingling, energy feeling in my frontal cortex. On day one of my Exosome push, I had such rapid cognitive function that I was unable to speak. Day two was as though I was speaking at 100m/h. I slept 14 hours a night for the proceeding three weeks. When I was awake and moving, I had full body function, but as soon as I would stop, my body would cease daily functions to promote rapid internal regeneration.

Following the first treatment, there was no continuation of Multiple Sclerosis symptoms. I continued this treatment monthly, progressively improving my overall health and well-being. The second push travelled to my bowels in order to treat IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) where I experienced similar feelings to my brain as well as 12-14 hour sleep cycles for a week and a half. Push three traveled to my lower spine which caused spontaneous muscle contractions in thirty second intervals. I was thrilled when this happened because I could feel the increased blood flow and regeneration of the area which I have had problems in for years due to MS. After this push I experienced ten days of 12-14 hours sleep cycles. My fourth push went to my knee, which I broke in a snowboarding accident over twenty years ago. It had the same energetic, warm feeling as all previous sessions. My fifth push traveled to my ovaries causing four days of warm, tingling, energy sensations that were similar to cramps. Something good was happening. The Exosomes had also taken away my hot flashes, caused by pre-menopause. The sixth push caused a reparative sensation in my gums and twelve to fourteen hour sleep cycles for three to four days. After my sixth treatment, the Exosomes appeared to have an even distribution throughout my body, having an anti-aging and regeneration effect. Exosomes have not only treated my illness, they have revitalised my cells invoking a revolutionary state of well-being. I feel, look, and am biologically younger allowing me to freely live my life in a way that I didn’t think would be possible.

After my third Exosome Therapy treatment, I decided to bring them into my skin center to test their topical capabilities. They were proven to have extraordinary healing, tightening, and renewing abilities, which encourage an increased production of elastin & collagen. I have synergistically combined Exosomes with many treatments including mico-needling, micro-currents, and RF- micro-needling.
This incredible treatment spoke to me about the power of Exosomes. I have seen so many incredible healings in my treatment room of damage from the improper use of lasers, Morpheus8, IPL’s, micro-needling, and more. These clients healed from extreme trauma in three to five days. I’ve seen severe acne and acne scars corrected, pigmentation brightened, and broken capillaries improved/healed using Exosomes consecutively in the treatment room. I’ve used multiple sources of Exosomes in my practice and have found using umbilical cord derived Exosomes to have the greatest results on skin.
I have been blown away by their extraordinary ability to scavenge that which is wrong with the skin and correct it. I knew that my purpose was to create a skincare line so that others can too enjoy the benefits of these amazing umbilical cord derived Exosomes.
I am proud to present to you, Glow by Tatum Exosome Serums. These serums are the synergistic combination of Exosomes and active plant ingredients to provide the most advanced medical skincare available.

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